[Blade - Armory Vault]

'Fancy, a skill that improves and even changes the more you use it.' By now, it's obvious what Lennie thinks of killing.

'Likely some combination of killing and stealing for the key, then. I wonder how- did you just call my people bad guys?' Lennie grins, not badly offended.

Lennie's eyes widen as the duo reach the vault. 'I sense something familar in here... Andoloran magic! Should be them alright, let me take a look.'

Crimson-red splotches coat the walls, floor and ceiling. Lennie approaches one of the many large, fist-shaped idents on the walls. 'Xangel. A combination of her Barbarian abilities- Berserk and Ironfist, in this case. Dishes out really high damage for bare hands.'

Lennie floats around the room, poking at different places. She flies to a seemingly empty spots, and hovers her palm above it. A streak of white energy momentarily glows into being, and disappears quickly. 'A trace of Nassah's Heavenly Balance. I saw other signs of light and holy damage. Many followers like Paladin only for Charge, but the class is powerful in its own right... I'm surprised an NPC assisted in the fight...'

Lennie goes back to Grant. 'Shouldn't the Crystal be in some sort of container, if it's so precious? Maybe Xangel took it with her, to find a way to unlock it. To be honest, the quest seems a bit too easy so far, for both I and Xangel. For such a huge reward, there's got to be a trick somewhere...'