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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: [Dreamscarred Press] Psionics Augmented: Soulknife

    Quote Originally Posted by ErrantX View Post
    Looking for opinions on this.
    PBS and PS are not bonus feats, they are annoying feat taxes. Personally, I didn't think something like PS and IPS existed until I researched ranged builds. They all look like another way to penalize martials for not using magic.

    General feedback:
    Perhaps PoW spoiled me, but I feel Armory and its and general blade skills are too weak. Most blade skills are comparable to a maneuver, and you get two with Advanced Study. More, soulknife's class features are literally "you get 23% more WBL that is somewhat customizable" and 10 blade skills. Armory adds "you can be almost WIS-SAD ranged attacker from level one" and "you get 3 blade configurations simultaneously".
    I'd combine, with more advanced options opening at higher levels: toolkit and platform and maybe net. Blast and grenade. Increased Range and Launch Multibolt (and make it work with Panoply). Counter and Fortress. Two of Drive, Swirling and Eruption.

    Why does Distill have a duration when Telekinetic Blade and Telekinetic Bolt do not? Distill doesn't grant additional attacks by itself. I'd make foci and greater magic weapon work on Panoply because of the same reason.

    Barrage, I don't know. Daily limit looks like attempt to balance broken mechanics by making it annoying to use. I'd be happy if it was removed, as it's just another way to do damage.
    Edit: I was wrong calling it broken. It's available 5 levels earlier, but is much weaker (attack penalty, MAD or focused offense, power attack which you probably don't have) than Time Stands Still or Battle in Dreams. That doesn't have daily usage limit and cost only half a feat.

    Panoply doesn't have iconic UBW/GoB ability - storing (analyzing is probably too powerful) real weapons and making their copies. Something like WISmod weapons which serve as additional blade kinds and configurations.
    Last edited by Nyaa; 2015-07-24 at 09:45 AM.