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    Ettin in the Playground

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    Default Re: Let's play a game: Am I following my alignment/Archetype?

    Quote Originally Posted by LoyalPaladin View Post
    I'll try to keep this thread going. Maybe I can get Elricaltovilla in here.

    Next Up: Chaotic Evil Hobgoblin
    Don't bug me I'm playing Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold.

    Spoiler: Sgt. Task

    Drill Sergeant Task is in charge of training up new recruits for the hobgoblin military industrial complex. The majority of his duties involve trying to weed out the weak and unfit, something he does with gusto. Task believes that order and discipline can only be enforced by random, senseless violence inflicted upon enlisted hobgoblins by their superiors and he instills his beliefs on his trainees daily. No matter how perfectly or quickly they follow his orders (often convoluted, conflicting or deliberately impossible to fulfill) his cadets feel the sting of his whip shortly after, then followed by watching Task take from their rations, supplies and personal effects to fulfill his own greed.

    Under the intense pressure and fear of Task's violent outbursts and greed, Task's cadets quickly become resourceful, sneaky, cruel and cunning although never quite cunning enough to outwit their hellish Drill Sergeant. Sometimes Task will allow known offenses to go unpunished, in order to test the limits of his cadets and how far they'll go to keep what they've taken. It never lasts long though, as Task's mind and mood are rapidly changeable and he relishes the opportunity to pile punitive action on top of punitive action for long lists of offenses.

    Occasionally, a you hobgoblin cadet will arrive who actually manages to impress Task with their strict discipline, efficiency, and dedication to the hobgoblin empire. These cadets are usually singled out for Task's "special training" and are among the first to receive the most severe punishments intended to remove them from the training pool, usually through permanent maiming.

    The only other cadets that stand out to Task are the ones like him, cruel, capricious, cowardly willing to do anything to improve their own position, especially at the expense of others. These cadets are often the first to try and get into Task's good graces by snitching on their fellow cadets, and Task usually rewards them with leniency... for a time. Even though they remind him of the only thing he truly loves (himself), nothing can save these cadets from Task's eventual wrath and they too suffer the sting of his whip.

    In front of his superiors, Task is a model instructor. His cadets are the most disciplined, well organized and loyal troops that the military academies can produce and they all eagerly attest to Task's own personal influence as the driving force behind their skills. But this charade only lasts as long as Task's commanding officers are present and he returns to his chaotic and tyrannical ways the instant they're out of earshot.

    Up next: NE Spoiled Princess (extra points if you can portray what she's like when she falls in love).
    I guess I sort of misunderstood the idea here. So to simplify:
    NE in Love