Quote Originally Posted by Flaming Eagle View Post
Jinkei keeps the dazzling smile on her face, but inside she frowns. Nicole, there's a name she didn't want to hear.

"I've had the disp-... well, the pleasure of meeting her." She says simply, then the smile falls a bit. The area around Jinkei suddenly drops in temperature. Is the area losing a bit of color?

"So, she's clearly into you, but you're not into her, or probably, maybe?"
Her high-pitched voice comes out softly, but still audible enough to be heard. "If I were you, I'd run the other way, but we've had different experiences. Maybe that's it, or maybe I saw through her illusions."

Then slowly, she turns to look at the rest of the area from the bar's point-of-view. Her ears are focused on Blanche, however. Her breathing, her heart-rate, the sounds she makes consciously or unconsciously, all are being monitored by Jinkei's hearing.
Blanche raises an eyebrow, curious.
what sorta experiences did you have with her?
She inquires, shivering slightly.