Mathwin laves The Broken Wrench Cellar. As he opens the door, he see the bright light of day rush towards his face. He flinches to avoid the same rush of pain from earlier, but it seems that being awake for a few minutes has calmed his system. Years of drinking has it pains, and benefits it seems.

The southern section of The Coins is always a little slower to start in the morning. Being close to the docks and home to some more of the poorer and more rowdy people in the city typically means late nights/mornings. He sees some Fishers carrying their even earlier morning catches towards the center market place. He notices one of the fish dropping from the bag of a sailor.

Mat calculates his course of actions for the day. There is still plenty of time to spare before midday. He knows that Felicias Potions are closer towards the Ivy District, and his home isn't too far to walk from here. He decides it would be better to stop in at home and study his spells before heading closer towards the north of the city. As he makes his way towards western Coins, it starts to get busier as shops open up for the day. He notices the change in houses as he travel further from the south, from wood and clay to brick. He sees children running towards him and is smart enough to stay clear of them, just in case any of them are pickpockets. Mat has never had a huge problem with pickpockets, they always seem to get caught in the various pockets of his jacket, unable to run before Mat can grab their hand. But he doesn't let a few lucky experiences change his mind set.

As he makes it closer to the Western Coins, he sees a big shift as far as the type of shops available and style of living. This is by far the nicest section of the Coins, very inspired by the even nicer Petal district. There is an occasional Tea shop and ale house, but this section is certainly more residential. He walks through and sees all assortments of houses, from single rooms to family housing. He finally makes it back to his current residence, The Wandering Wastrel. As he walks inside he is greeted as always by Mistress Oparra, Mathwin's heavyset and sweet Landlord. "My Mathwin! Well aren't you in early! I assume another one of Absolom's finest was the recipient of your special treatment last night?" She hints heavily on wanting more information, while laughing almost perversely. You have known Oparra for almost your entire stay here in Ablosom. She put an ad up in the town square for rooms to rent at the exact moment you were looking or a place to stay. You figured you could charm her into a low monthly fee, but in truth she charmed you with her honest demeanor and bright attitude. She doesn't play games with her business, except of course while flirting with Mat. She has more than once mentioned that she could forgo a few days rent, or give Mata couple days extra, as long as Mat would give her some collateral. Mat has never needed this so far, and quite enjoys shamelessly flirting with her, hoping and maneuvering that his charm never harms her emotionally. Mat has never known Oparra to take a lover, and honestly wonders if she ever has.

"I've got a hot meal for you dear, made especially for my favorite resident!" She places a bowl with some sort of ground meat and potatoes, with a biscuit and a small glass of ale in front of Mat.