"Vell, maybe I'm only after a smug sense of satisfaction. After all, I must haff my little victories to keep me varm inside, vhen the heart has ceased to beat." Adel suggests, straightening up to take his drink from the waiter's proffered tray. Glancing down, he frowns, and sets the little red plastic cup aside as he pats down his sleeves. "No straw. I thought I asked for vone." At last, from within the bed of white silk tissues filling out his sleeves, he produces a little gingerbread straw and plops it into the drink.

"Vell.." The vampire lifts his cup, nodding out the symbolic toast. His voice lowers, becoming not a sound, but an unmistakable intent in the red glow of his gumdrop eyes. "You did buy me the drink, I suppose. Gordon's been dipping into your vaults, vith the help of all his cronies. I haff the papers. I also haff an idea of vhere ve find him, and his hoard. Half of vhich is mine."