[Outside Spaceship Shenron]

Quote Originally Posted by Lord Raziere View Post
"Ah, taking an Owen approach to it eh? Thats cool. Your right. That still happens in my time. Some are hoping to get rid of some of that, but thats mostly theoretical. Well. If you don't count the odd mad scientist kidnapping teenagers and turning them into killing machines for his own revenge, but I'm exception."
She said, knowing he wouldn't get that reference for centuries, if ever at all.
Raijin shifts the bandages covering his mouth so he can take a breath from his pipe. He inhales deep, then turns his head away from Android 23 and blows out a few smoke rings. Then, he speaks:

"A crow had built its nest on a small island. One day, the forest on the island caught flame. The crow picked its chick and began carrying it over the water. On the way, the crow asked: 'When I am old and frail, will you carry me like this?' The chick replied: 'Of course I will, dear mother!' "

"The crow dropped the chick in the lake and flew back. It picked up another and began carrying it over the water. Again it asked: 'When I am old and frai, will you carry me like this?' The second chick replied: 'Sure thing, beloved mother!' "

"Again, the crow dropped the chick in the lake and flew back. It picked up its last chick and began carrying it over the water. Again, it asked: 'When I am old and frail, will you carry me like this?' "

"The last chick said: 'No, for I will have my own children to carry!' And this chick the mother crow carried to the shore."

Raijin falls silent for a moment and takes another breath from his pipe. Then, he continues. "Even in your time, people still toil to make a living. But as they age, they grow weak of mind and body. They pass a point where they cease to be of use and become a burden. At that time, those under their care have to ask: will they use their own limited time and effort to support those with no future, or will they instead focus on those who are the future? Those who choose poorly are as good as dead and leave no legacy save for the lesson they can teach to those who remain."

"Is this or is this not true?"