Quote Originally Posted by Frozen_Feet View Post
"But the method confuses me. Your blue friend implied you could just wish these things to existence while giving nothing in return. But even if you can do that, how many wishes would that take? In tales of genies of faraway lands, only a few such wishes are given. Wishing for the betterment of mankind is noble, but if you truly come from the future, many of the things you speak will, or at least can, come to existence on their own. I suggest you spare your wishes for something which is truly unattainable otherwise."[/color]
23 mentally curses Pokasuu and her loose mouth and the fact that her naivety would never allow her to keep a freaking secret.
"Yeah we have these things called Dragon Balls. they can grant three wishes, once a year. Thats what she meant. She really isn't supposed to talk about it to strangers. But yeah wishing for tech people will already get someday was never the plan to begin with.

as for the world being in turmoil....well yeah, you could say that. But fighting bad guys and changing lives for the better are two different things, the latter requires some thought, like, who will be responsible for what and who to trust and so on. Sure, things might sort themselves out in the long run maybe but....the phrase "acceptable losses" is pretty much how every well-intentioned villain gets started. Sure I could drop in all the tech I like, let chaos reign until everything settles down, but then I'll pretty much be the proverbial Prometheus opening Pandora's Box and unleashing a thousand bad things just to get knowledge and fire y'know? I mean sure, good things, but....I'll also be responsible for all the bad things that come of it.

How many lives would be lost for the sake of my own desire to have a more familiar Earth? How many cultures would die? Hey 22 do you want to be responsible for what will probably be global war and massive amounts of death?"

"No not really, ends do not justify the means and all that, especially since it will happen anyways without our intervention! Why speed it up? I mean, we don't mean to be elves going "your are not yet ready" or anything like that, but we've read history about people who get superior tech and go around forcing that on others to the detriment of everyone but the forcers! Those people? Are the ones with the highest tech NOW. What will make us any better or different if we start introducing tech without any thought or consideration as to the consequences? Just because you THINK your in the right, doesn't mean you ARE. So no, we're probably going to think this through about whether to do it- and if we do it, how. On our own time. It would be irresponsible to not think of how to do this with minimal problems!"