Quote Originally Posted by Gryndel View Post

Spoiler: Tera Kai, Sullust to Bleon, Day 1: Passenger Lounge

If not the first, Johl is one of the first to show up after the announcement. He inhales deeply and smiles broadly at Tera Kai, "Ah, a true chef aboard! This will be a most welcome and very pleasant change from the normal fare on the Sidewinder."

As he walks over to dish out some of the food he adds, "I can char steaks and fry bacon with the best of them, but a true gourmet meal is something to be treasured. Thank you very much, Tera Kai! Perhaps we can find some edible and delectable foodstuff where we're going too. Let me know if you ever need any help finding or collecting edibles."

Johl is a true connoisseur of good food and drink, savoring every bite. He pulls out a flask and offers to pour Tera Kai some as he says between bites, "Some fine Corellian wine, if you're interested?"

She will find that not only does Johl anticipate meals and show up as soon as they're ready, he actively engages her in conversation every time and inquires about what her favorite foods are.
Tera Kai relaxes a bit when it becomes clear that her efforts have been well received. She cheerfully accepts Johl's wine, exhausted from all the focus and effort she put into this meal. Tasting her handiwork, she's astounded--this might be the best meal she's ever cooked, and with that realization the last of her anxiety is swept away by pride.

Spoiler: OOC: The Lure of the Dark Side (Cooking)
DC 16:(1d20)[16]

Tera Kai enjoys the conversation with Johl, mentioning that her favorite foods are exotic meats with unusual textures, and appreciating the offer to help her find good ingredients. Afterwards, she always looks forward to mealtimes and their next chat.

Spoiler: OOC: Future Meals
Tera Kai usually takes 10, resulting a Profession (Chef) result of 15.

Tera Kai, Sullust to Bleon, After the Battle

After a few moments Tera Kai finally clears her head from her "nightmare", and current sensations replace her terror. Belatedly, her mind processes the message from the comlink, and she grabs her rotary blaster from under her bed and strolls quickly (yet still stately) to the site of the skirmish. She looks around at the after-battle chaos, her eyes hunting for threats as the multiple barrels of her blaster spin with a faint, ominous whine.