Johl grins at Onissius, “Ah true, but it is the little victories that bolster confidence to the level of being able to handle the big challenges. While we failed to slay that creature, though not from lack of trying, it could’ve done much more harm than it did. Had it attacked only one or two of us while the others slept, or were busy enough to delay us from joining forces, some of us could’ve died. I sensed it was powerful, and the presence of so many that opposed it dispersed the power it controls.”

He shrugs, and after Cora speaks her mind he adds, “While nothing is truly impossible with a clear enough understanding of the Force, this pursuit seems beyond our abilities presently. I doubt this was just a random incident, and I believe it had a reason to attack us here and now. While I don’t understand that reason, yet, I don’t see that anything changed except possibly its knowledge of us as a group. I could be wrong about all this; it could’ve just been in the area and happened to detect us in the vicinity. But I have a hard time accepting such an encounter as mere coincidence.

That list of yours will doubtless continue to grow, Cora. Many such things truly exist, whether they are understood or clearly seen for what they are by anyone. There are many strange, stupendous, and previously unknown things in the galaxy. Indeed, the universe is likely filled with such mysteries! But with so many of us present who have some grasp on how to use the Force to assist us, we have a great advantage over any threats, known or unknown.”

When Tera Kai enters and the discussion begins with Onissius, Johl remains silent and listens closely. He was only beginning to learn the dynamic between these two, and not knowing either one well yet, he felt it was not his place to interject or add to their discussion. Since Cora was the only one to respond to Tera Kai’s inquiry about injury, he says, “Indeed, nothing major, but painful and bothersome nonetheless. Since nearly everyone who was here for the fight took some damage, anyone with any skill at treating injuries should probably see what they can do for us.”

Unsure what could be done to help Cora, the one who took the most damage relative to physical toughness, he tells her, “Once we’re away from this point in space, I suggest you get some rest Cora.”

As Haggar begins speaking of the Force, Johl smiles and nods a few times, but says nothing more. He knows from his experiences of growing up at the Temple that too many instructors or an overwhelming amount of information given in lecture form often serves only to confuse the issues that takes most creatures a large portion of their entire lifetime to grasp even the simplest principles of the Force. He adds only, “Unexpected indeed Haggar, but some limited command of the Force allows us to deal with such unanticipated incidents more readily than most.”

Spoiler: OOC
VP (wounds or used)
Cora 21 (Heroic Surge 1/3)
Haggar 41
Hawkeye 10
Johl 31
Onissius 5
Tera Kai