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Thread: [SWd20] Universe is Mostly A Dark Place

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: [SWd20] Universe is Mostly A Dark Place

    Sullust to Bleon, Day 1...

    With a group effort the new course to Bleon is calculated and entered into the Nav-computer. A few tense moments later the ship is hurtling through hyperspace toward the planet. It had been almost two weeks since they first met with the albino on Coruscant, and the end point of their mission was would soon be reached. How long it would take to fulfill that mission, and accomplish whatever else they thought worthy of their time and effort was yet to be seen.

    Healing commences from the short yet very intense combat on the ship. The day is spent relaxing and socializing, though nearly everyone remains slightly on edge with the guarded expectation of encountering more trouble. Tera Kai soon becomes a focal point for many of the crew as she continues to amaze them with her cooking. The meals seem to bond the group, not surprisingly, and give Cora the chance to try out her newest additions to hardware and software.

    One of the activities is the sparring session in the hold, using Johl’s custom made training lightsabers. They are specifically designed to practice with, and while not capable of inflicting serious wounds more than few minor scorch marks are endured by all who participate.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Sparring Lightsabers: 1d4 Damage, no critical range

    Johl is a master of Ataru, a form of fighting style that focuses on agility and quickness over brute strength, replete with spins and leaps and other quick motions. While the weapon is the focus point of the actions, he stresses that graceful motions and agility are key to understanding the style. He’s very good at it, being quite quick on his feet and with years of practice with other masters. He’s also very patient and rarely vindictive in his attacks with those he spars, though he puts as much effort as possible into the sessions and inflicts as much damage as he can while fighting.

    In true combat he often uses Force skills to enhance his dexterity, the key to true success with this style. But he restricts himself to his exceptional agility during the sparring session. He encourages Haggar to use Knight Mind to increase everyone’s dexterity during sparring, to better demonstrate the focus on it for the style.

    It soon becomes quite clear to all, especially the other Jedi, that he is much better with a lightsaber than he admits to most, often downplaying his skill. In part that stems from his training as a Jedi, but also from his personal experience at dealing with people on the shadier side of life; not showing or speaking of your full ability until the need arises.
    Last edited by Gryndel; 2016-05-20 at 05:46 AM.
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