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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: EMPIRE2!-CWBG-I-Begin-Again [Applications Open!]

    Quote Originally Posted by Dracolon View Post
    Ya but if underground regions are less common in E2 than BananaPhone is most likely going to have to work with me or go through me and they are starting with a mil heavy leader not a dip heeavy.. :/
    Imma can only speaka for meself here. :P But Trade Routes can go through your regions, that is np I think. So you don't really need a shoreline, just players that join into the trade route with a coastal region.

    EDIT: Bananaphone, your score array is 3-3-1-4-4, but I see both a 4 and a 2 on there instead of a double 3. That isn't right. Am I missing something? Should be 3 Diplo and 3 Faith.
    Last edited by WaylanderX; 2015-09-22 at 06:12 AM.
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