Chief sure got a heroic death and that heroism may be spoiled if he comes back.
However, if I die heroically and can be raised, please do.

Maybe he does not have much stuff to bring to the story, but he's still GAP's main healer. He just need to be around the others, not each of them has his epic story either.
Thaco destroyed his nemesis. He has to deal with Complains as his father and is more or less the leader of GAP, but GAP does not really use a leader...
Complains is an angry kid that needs character growth. What else about him?
Ears is Ears. It may be my favorite character, he's the paladin of the group, but... What's his storyline? Is his story about the axe?
Fumbles is coming back from limbo and being fun again. What a great role.

So I think Chief could still fit in that party.