Abortion really, really is too much a real-world issue which, sadly, is politicized and misrepresented to the point that the very real moral and ethical question is obscured and a lot of people answer the question in a truly horrifying way. A way that would, in my opinion, be a hallmark of a horrifically evil society in a fictional setting.

In the interests of NOT sparking an actual political debate here, I will not spell out what answer so horrifies me.

In your individual games...the universality of a given deity's proscription dictating an action's alignment is up to you.

To take it to slightly less controversial grounds: if there was a god of labor and leisure, and he declared slavery to be Evil, would that make it Evil, or him wrong? If there was a god of health and herbalism, and he declared recreational drugs (including everything from hallucinogenic mushrooms to tobacco to marijuana to alcohol) to be Evil, would that make it Evil, or make him wrong?