Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
You know what's f*cked up? You actually had something that made you special. Something that was inside you all along, f*cking you up in the head and making you strong in the arms. You've always known it's there, deep down in your gut, telling you that you were better - so why think? Your special little monster only knew how to be strong so that was all it told you. And you listened to it and your mind atrophied, making you simple. Making you dumb. It's been starving your brain to death.

And now you're not special any more. The stupid monster in your gut is actually really happy. It can smell that there are other dumb monsters just like it around here. And it wants to find them, and run, and fight, and f*ck, and never think another thought so long as it shall live. The Cassidy who lives upstairs in the head is just an annoying distraction and it can't wait 'till she's gone for good.
Until she's gone for good?!

All her tears burned up as her empty heart filled with a white-hot fire. But not the raging firestorm of teenage frustration. Neither was it the devouring inferno of purposeless hate, nor the brimstone of her passionate wrath. No, this burned sharp on her heart and mind. Focused her eyes. Pushed back the clouds, and set her heart pumping like a dynamo. Resolve, stemming from one, unassailable truth:

She didn't know who she was, but she knew she wasn't the wolf's b*tch.

She had an enemy.

And she.



Cassidy bit on her sleeve and tore off a strip of cloth. Wrapping it around her bleeding knuckles, she screamed a vow of rock and defiance in the depths of her soul.

I won't crawl on my knees for you
I won't believe the lies that hide the truth
I won't sweat one more drop for you!

She tied the bandage tight, and clenched her fist to the shattered mirror.

'Cause we are the rust upon your gears
We are the insect in your ears
We crawl
We crawl
We crawl

She heard a faint scream, and thundered after it.