This is awesome Guys...and Girls! lol

Okay "red pills" would be a good in game Slang for the awakened. not an official title but something that is commonly used.

Yes there wil still be "glitched" areas in the matrix this will be another of the responsibilities of The Agency to clean up after these messes. Crews that deal with these glitched areas will be mostly composed of Companions but they will also have a few Awakened and ZionBorn to help.

Yes I feel that there would be people that could be described as Purple Pills who are aware of oddities in the world(matrix) but not to the point of being awakened. These people would typically find work as fortune-tellers, paranormal investigators, also people who believe they have been abducted by aliens and the such would fall into this cattagory. The Agency has been know to use such people as informants or contacts into the goings on in the matrix. In fact most are hired in someway by a dummy corporation inside the matrix so that these people can be observed incase they become awakened or come to a point where they Agency Awakens them.

As for playing as "exiles" for a lvl adjustment I dont see why not It would depend on what each individual DM wants there to be in their story. But since we are just working on the setting at this point Yeah. I dont see any problem with there being more races should they be balanced with the rest of the system.

Interesting Ideas there Yakk but while i agree with you that the people in the normal world should be relatively normal I have always liked the idea of the characters levelling up because of the fact that they are special in some way that way you could explain there being a high ranking officer who is relatively low level compared to the PC's also I think I am going to stick to the basic D20 ruleset due to the fact that this is my first homebrew campaign setting and I dont want things to get too overly complicated. But i still liked your ideas you have some very interesting thoughts in there.

And yes all are welcome to contribute to this so if you have ideas for feats/races/general thoughts/Advanced classes send them out I would like to see what you people think