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Thread: VIGIL 3: Uh... can we get a mulligan?

  1. - Top - End - #251
    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: VIGIL 3: Uh... can we get a mulligan?

    [VIGIL Ruins]

    "Uh, I'd strongly prefer it if you didn't. In fact, if possible I want to avoid killing anything today." states the Portal. He squints hard, trying to get a better look at the figure in the sky without much success. "Maybe you could go up to it make a lot of noise with your lightning trick?" he asks, turning to "Oaks". "If it's an animal that should scare it off, if it's something else ...well I guess we'll figure it out from there."
    Last edited by RyanKoopa; 2015-10-13 at 09:12 PM.