[The Hedge]

"Uh huh..." he replies.

It isn't a skeptical reply. There's no particularly good reason not to believe the strange rabbit person.

No, that was more of a 'I'm still not sure whether or not I should believe this is happening' sort of reply.

Which, honestly, is understandable.

When a person bumbles into an enchanted forest from a world which, for all they knew, was totally without magic, suddenly finding yourself surrounded by faeries is somewhat jarring.

At least he isn't having a nervous breakdown.


There's probably still time for that in the future.

"You don't know how to get back to my house from here, do you?" he asks hopefully. "I walked through my arbor like I do all the time and there was-"

He gestures at a nearby rock which is also apparently a crab ripping into a rather surreal looking piece of fruit.

"-this stuff instead of Wallnut street. I really do need to get home. Otherwise no one will feed my cats."

Think of mittens!