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Thread: [DBitP] Of Gods and Monsters

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Koprulu Sector

    Default Re: [DBitP] Of Gods and Monsters

    Quote Originally Posted by cavalieredraghi View Post
    What? Oh no no. I was just thinking of how we should talk to Pinkie. How we should approach him with our suggestion of a family.
    Starlight nodded. "It seems simple on the surface," she said. "But in reality, it's a lot more complicated. Especially to a young boy who just escaped his captors. I was actually considering getting Oxy's opinion on the situation, as he shares a lot more in common with Pinkie than we do."


    Meanwhile, in Canterlot, the hooded pony handed over his bag of bits to the shopkeeper, exchanging them for the amulet on the shelf. He put it on, and his eyes glowed red as he turned and left the shop, disappearing into the shadows.


    Meanwhile, in Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia finished reading Starlight's report. She frowned as she rolled it up, considering the situation. This boy, and these "cyborgs" from the future, complicated matters. Between this "Red Pants Army" messing with the timestream (and multiple others by the sounds of it) and Majin Buu potentially destroying the universe, along with other factors complicating matters (such as several of Starlight's scrolls going missing or being delayed), she was beginning to grow concerned. She turned to her scribe and schedule keeper.

    "Inkwell, please cancel the rest of my appointments for today," she said. "A matter has come up that requires my attention." With that, she stood up and began walking to her personal chambers.

    "Yes, princess," said the gray, black-maned unicorn sitting by her throne.

    Princess Celestia made her way to her private chambers, turning to address the guards on duty. "See to it that I'm not disturbed," she said. Entering her chambers, she opened a portal to Toki Toki City. It was time she consulted the Supreme Kai of Time.
    Last edited by Hawkflight; 2015-10-23 at 10:19 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate
    Psychology has nothing to say on the courtship of dragons, but science will surely catch up in time.
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