"Assist? I know very well that Her Highness would never allow you to put yourself in danger while on this trip. Of course, with a preperly organized defence, ninety-nine percent of the time, the main threat that a soldier on duty faces is that of boredom... and though it's flattering to hear Her Highness considers my skills in this worthy of studying, I really can't tell you anything about organizing proper defence besides that you would find in any book on tactics. If there's a secret to that, I'd say it's trus - a commander's trust in his soldiers, and the soldiers' trust in the commander..."

At that moment, a door swings open, and a soldier rushes in, with way less formality - and reverence - than would be expected from one disturbing a superior officer. Halfway around the table, he notices the girls and stops for a moment, to give a rather hasty greeting, then heads to Alaris and whispers something into his ear. A second alter, Lord Dawnshield rises, "Please excuse me, Ladies, there appears to be an issue that requires my attention... Light be graceful, it shouldn't take long."

If there's anything you want to roll during the scene, feel free to do so either here with your, or in OOC if you don't want to do an IC post here or need to know the results of the roll before doing so