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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: League of Legends LXV: What threads are mine to make, little Lamb? All, dear Wolf

    Hey Reinboom, could you comment on the place of on-hit builds in the ADC rework?

    I feel like through a lot of League, on-hit builds felt like they could be a possible alternative build for AA-reliant champions (so, marksmen), but it's never had the power to justify it. Kog'Maw's new W suggests an on-hit build could be good, but I haven't seen anything itemization-wise. Was it something that was considered out of scope for this project, something that was looked at but you couldn't get working, or something else?

    Spoiler: Worlds
    Congrats to SKT on winning worlds - particularly to Faker and Bengi for being the first players to win the Summoner's Cup twice!

    Nice on Koo to take a game off SKT. Maybe now they'll manage to get a good sponsor? I mean, they've certainly proven they're a good

    And finally, congrats to that one random summoner who had a perfect pick 'em.
    Last edited by Nadevoc; 2015-10-31 at 10:51 AM.