Spoiler: Metafaculty results
Thryvak Sal'Veen, sainted human, lawful good, cleric, crusader, ordained champion, prestige paladin, warblade, divine oracle, contemplative and Hierophant.
Very high (21 HD to 40 HD)
Warrior's Rest (Sal'Veen's fortress), edge of Grimfell and Ashourizar, this world, prime.
Items of significant: Enchanted shield and mithril breastplate, belt of magnificent and battle, cowl of warding.
Any significant activities or actions: Dispatched envoys to Grimfell, four of his strongest warriors. patrolled battlements, talked with followers to try to rally them. Cast three Sendings.
View: You see Sal'Veen, appearing to be about seventy, although his skin is smooth, and hair still white. He has a set of angelic wings, and his skin is a reddish bronze. A longsword is strapped to his side, and a shield with his god's holy symbol in his hand (the fist grasping the lightning bolt is also on his breastplate). He has a white cowl over his head, feeding into a flowing gold and white cloak. He is talking to an archer on the wall, assuring him that they are righteous in their cause, their blessed lord shall guide his shots, and if they fall, they shall join their god's host in heaven, before steeping off the wall, and seeming to land on an unseen platform, is whisked away at incredible speed, faster than your remote viewing can follow him.

Sir Grave:
"While an additional garrison would prove most useful, it would only delay the inevitable. Unless we can find other allies, we will eventually overwhelm us. Saint Sal'Veen has a number of boats, and recommends that you evacuate the civilian population of Grimfell, along with as many material goods as possible, leaving your soldiers to protect them, before eventually evacuating them as well. Sal'Veen and his followers, and any other warrior who wishes to stay, remaining to cover our retreat. Hopefully, we'd be able to hold off long enough for aid to be sent. A nation's displacement is not ignorable, unlike, it seems, Sal'Veen's wisdom is." He finishes bitterly.

"However, you mentioned that your liege is seeking allies in the mountains, and an evacuation would be a great hardship on Grimfell's people. If allies can be found, I would advise that we march against this threat and strike before they are ready."