I thought I would do a Character appraisal now that the first season is over. Note, that this are all based on the whole season and so will be put in spoilers so people don't complain.



One is the comic relief of the bunch. He lacks any of the hardened criminal aspects of the others, lacks the ability to not come across as a wannabe. Plus you have the fact that he decided to pose as somebody else to get on board the ship. While he is trying to find the killer of his dead wife, he does have wealth so he could have hired somebody to investigate or even tossed money around to get one of the MegaCorps the gang works for to give him so one on one time with Three. He also had a connection with the colonists and had previously arranged to get them guns as far as I can tell.

In general, One is starting to come across as a real pansy. He isn't a criminal like the others, so he won't share their fate, he can have it easily proven he was just kidnapped, and Six already knows by the Finale that One is an imposter. One will get released, restored possibly to original appearance and sent home. Short of deliberately doing something to get knocked into jail with the others, One's time with the crew is effectively over. So, goodbye, One.



Two is the de facto leader of the ship and from what we see before probably has been. Then we have her being an illegal creation. Some method of her escaping the police or swinging some deal, which Two should have little problems doing for the crew as she seems a deft hand at negotiating, sounds like the most sense to me. Convincing the police to have her work for them while employing the crew is the quickest bet to not get torched, so I expect her to successfully pull that off. She may even try to get something to let Five be able to go free, since Five isn't a criminal and Two seems to have a soft spot for Five, given the effort that Two went to keep Five safe.

That said, I don't see Two being thrilled with letting Five go along unless necessary, and I don't see Two really wanting to have One rejoin them. One isn't a criminal, has no real ties to the crew, and was apparently planning on betraying them on the colony job by buying or supplying weapons to the colonists.



Basically Jayne from Firefly but with more humor and more tendency to actually be shown doing stuff. The appearance of the woman in the box shows that Three has heart, and her death affects him despite his not remembering her. The fact that he hid her in the vault shows either sympathy from Two or Six or even Four or Three was sneaky enough to pull it off without anybody knowing. He may not fond of stowaways but it is left unclear about whether he would have actually spaced Five or not.

Three was also willing to give up the code to save Two, which given how much that Three was in for himself is weird but understandable when you consider that Three is being played as a successful way of being Chaotic Evil in mostly Neutral or Lawful Neutral party. He is basically the belkar of the group.



I love Four, and think he has potential for more interesting plots to follow. How he goes about clearly his name, and whether he does so has good potential to mine. Plus add in that he unlike the others come from royality means he could have useful contacts for the crew to exploit for work or money.

His reaction to One, especially in the vault shows a similar thread with the others besides Five in that the rest don't One. I think that Four was talking with Two about killing One more likely than Six, since nothing so far has suggested that Six was being found out. Plus Four seems to like Six from before, making it strange that Four would want to kill Six, especially given the similarity between Four and Six in regards to their backgrounds of Four being found guilty of crime he didn't commit and Six being found guilty of crime that he didn't commit either.



Five is our audience surrogate or at least the person most easily identifiable with the audience. She doesn't have a place among the group yet, but she is earning her place. Unlike the rest of the crew and being the same as One, her lack of criminal record makes it easier for her to get off. She knows mechanical information and appears to learn really quickly, making her actually worth taking along, unlike One who really just has his money. Five has also shown a willingness to risk her life for the crew when she was free to say no, which makes her a better candidate to have along.

Plus Five provides fun commentary, is a snarker, and always seems cool like a fun friend to hang with. She inspires sympathy in Two, friendliness in Six, and either Three or Four seem upset or disturbed with her. Somehow Five has earned an acceptance from the rest of the crew within a short amount of time. Five is actually becoming like everyone's kid sister. The idea of her using the skills she is witnessing in the other members of the crews memories means she could successfully stage a breakout if she wanted to. Plus being a kid means she is most likely to end up in a position to take action.



Six is the token black guy, and he comes across as the most easy going and most likely to be the heart or encourage the group to work together. There is also his history of fighting against the MegaCorps. I think that Six was likely some kind of Galactic police agent was originally tasked with getting into the resistance movement to find out more about its boss. Or he could have signed up between the time his actions in the resistance happened in the police then ended up on ship. How he got on board, I don't know and we haven't seen, but it is likely that he probably found material detailing his contacts with the police. I don't see him as being likely to worry about One, and he could talk to the crew about working with police but for why I can't tell.

I like Six because of how well he is being played, and he has nice connections to the crew besides One who has almost no connections. The idea of One leaving seems far more likely than Six leaving and with the right steps, Six can act like he got captured too. None of the Crew are actually aware of Six turning them in and as such Six could talk everyone but One into helping out while protecting Five. One is a wealthy businessman and most likely to get sent home.

What I expect to happen:


One gets sent home while the others either await trial or are given encouragement to work with the police. Or they break out after One has left as there is little to no more plot to be derived from One as either Three was responsible or One has to find out what Three knows which is the sum value of One's place on crew. He has no other reasons to stay with the Crew and no reasons not to leave. Once One knows whatever Three knows (Acquired perhaps by Five exploring Three's memories), I expect One to just ditch. The idea of having One stick around is unlikely.

I expect something to happen with the rest of the crew.