What I'd like to see happen;

He is an actual villain up to this point he's been trying to discover his past and learning Three was blamed for his wife's death might mean the death of Three's girlfriend may not have been as accidental as it sounded.

Somehow he got his Original to run and managed to take his place these are things he would have needed some skill to pull off especially as the others obviously didn't suspect anything was up so having him discover he isn't that different from those other Corporates might improve his character next season!

Still haven't seen the last two episodes so I don't know the truth behind her origin, but I figure Wil will try and recover her rather than let her be disposed of or at least insure her secret is safe in so far as it doesn't come back and bite him!

He's the most likely to hire a squad to get her out of the GA hands and that might help them break loose start of next season

Turns out he's the undercover cop!

There have been plenty of times where he could have gone even further with his schemes but when things got tough he chose to try and help.

That's a mite unusual and nothing says he wasn't blamed for the death of One's wife by someone unaware he's an undercover cop maybe even a Galactic Alliance Marshal please remember that idyllic setting Five was interesting in staying within?

I think that was Three's past rather than One's

We know his past what we don't know is how he got aboard the Raza, maybe we'll see how the others all met up for the first time but I want to find out how Four ended up aboard!

So we know she stole something important and the kid in storage was a friend who she couldn't save because she was caught in sickbay by Three and last we saw being threatened with being shot out into space!

My guess is she coughed up her friend in hopes of saving his life but he was dead by the time they reached him.

Three being not evil decided after hearing Five's story that she needed protecting so he helped her into one of the stasis tubes promising to help her once they reach their destination.

I don't believe Five caused the memory wipe and would like to find out more about the person she stole that card from and the group he belonged to who wiped out her original group.

I think Six was the original Captain of the Raza, the ship is the same one he helped steal from his memories and he recruited the others as part of his scheme to make amends for his part in that disaster.

He chose the code for the vault which is why I think this is the case, it would be interesting if the GA confront him with this as well as reveal other parts of his lost past to fill in the origin story of the Raza and its crew

The Android
Hardly a surprise I included her since I think there's more to what's been revealed so far.

Why did she go to such lengths to rescue Two?

Maybe she does remember her past and treats Two as more of a sister given her unusual origin?

I'd like more detail on her especially with the origin story as I think it might be crucial to where they go with this series next that and if she comes back online she might rescue them again!

Next Season
Really need to see how they first met!

Was Two their go to person for contacting that Fixer?

Seemed a mite odd considering you would have thought he would have realised she didn't remember him that well!

Exactly who are the true bad guys here?

Is the General actually an enemy of the GA or a dupe used to promote the GA as a better alternative?

If not the GA might be curious about Six since there might be evidence to show he is now an enemy of the General and might be worth using as a trouble shooter but would they bother?

Ultimately who knows where they will go next?