Quote Originally Posted by LordDeathkeeper View Post

Spako looks up with a smile at the man.
"Oh, hello Captain. Yes, I'm doing fine. As soon as they bring the lizard I was promised I'll have everything set up nice and tidy. Not that much of this coin will stay in my hands for long. The masons will be getting a rather large sum in the next month. I'm sure Livret will order the tower built with at least two more stories than we can afford." he says, waving a hand still clutching a book.

The Captain gives a bark of laughter at that and a smile. "That sounds like most people when given a large sum of money. Perhaps some day I can find a way to stop by and see the tower when it is completed." He says. Behind him, a stableboy is leading a giant lizard closer for Spako to inspect should he wish.