Quote Originally Posted by HaltTheSlayer View Post
(Sorry power is out over in my area. I am currently at my local gamestore which still has wifi.)

Anny had stayed she was way tougher than she appeared. She takes Butler's hand lifting the skirt of her dress a little so the stream doesn't get it wet.
"Is this place...the after life?" Anny asked
On the Road to Purgatory

"A part of it ma'am. Sort of like the entrance hall ma'am." Not very appealing greeting if you ask me.

"Do you know which part of it you're headed to ma'am?" If she did, then Butler could skip the whole judging at the crossroads part and go straight to their destination! A lot of people seemed to know where they were supposed to go. If it weren't always foggy in this part, they probably wouldn't even need Butler to do this at all.