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Thread: Personal Woes and Advice 4

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Personal Woes and Advice 4

    Quote Originally Posted by Skeppio View Post
    Little update:
    Made a bit of progress on finding a psychiatrist. I have an appointment at the local medical centre on the 4th of December. A bit of a wait, but they were a bit booked. x.x
    Though I will still need to get a referral from my GP, which I can just ask for.
    That's good to hear, I really hope that it goes well for you. You'll keep us updated on how things are going, right?

    Quote Originally Posted by TechnOkami View Post
    ...oh jeez that seemed so long ago to me... I'll spoiler for length.

    So... I'll give you a quick update on me.

    I am now on antidepressants (yay Prozac!) and broke up with my girlfriend a few months ago. I was at peace with it when I broke up and I am still at peace with it now. I vehemently miss the intimacy of being in a relationship though, and it is a craving I am exploring how to sate.

    So in general I'm pretty damn ok on the mental health front. Oh, and I discovered something interesting about myself: living alone is not healthy for my mental state. The lack of interaction with people for several days with only the internet and video games to keep you company... well, let's just say I don't want to do that again as much as I can help it.

    That aside, let's talk school.

    I still am frustrated and dislike it.

    My lack of enthusiasm and extreme disinterest in classes that don't hold me that should be easy for me, I am falling behind in, and I still feel annoyed at all the prerequisite classes I am required to complete and just... augh, I'm tired of dealing with school as a whole. Trust me, while I could see a lot of the depression talking about school and my state of being in that previous post I made, it was pretty damn spot on about how I felt about school. I just want to take the classes I give two ****s about and not the menial required core classes that don't interest me nearly as much.

    I have not tried full boar metal working or wood working yet, although I did do a little carving from a small carving block I purchased a few days ago. I've generally just been going to school and... attempting to keep on top of things.

    Other than that I'm pretty chill as always. Thank you for checking in on me though, I really appreciate the thoughts.
    This may come off as distracting from the main issue, but what did you carve? I'm guessing your block was basswood?
    Last edited by The Fury; 2015-11-20 at 12:10 PM. Reason: broke the goshdanged quote like a chump