Spoiler: Vindira
"Your first request is reasonable," Grommiskalt says. "A period not to exceed seventy days, then. You will be provided with information sufficient to accomplish your task. More than that you do not require. I deal in information; my own will remain private. Your other stipulation is...acceptable, though I would advise you to be more careful in your phrasing in the future. I appreciate your respect for my time, but to be too blunt in how one presents such a request can seem like a question of one's integrity. Cast your spell, then."

Spoiler: Kazu and Voren
The miners are friendly and gladly share what information they have. There isn't much, though; they haven't actually been able to determine precisely where the breach is, and the tunnels are such a tangled maze that it's hard to figure out precisely which of them is the best way to get there. You can trace activity at all three; none of them is obviously more heavily trafficked than the others.

Spoiler: OOC
Map's been updated; you're on the sheet labeled Kopparberget. Note that this is a general layout of the entire section of the mine, and thus on a different scale than the standard five-foot square. Most of the tunnels are actually between fifteen and twenty feet in width, rather than a consistent twenty, and the clean squares aren't entirely accurate, but it should be sufficient.

Spoiler: Adolin, Currial, and Nirallus
"In the past the method of choice has been brute force," the wight says. "Once it was a runelord of Thassilon, and then it was an Ulfen hero. But there are no more runelords, and the kings of Kalsgard are hardly the equal of the man who founded it. Though as you can see, it's been at best a temporary solution. If you want a more permanent answer, you would likely need to discuss matters with the Eldest."

She smiles. "Good luck with that, though. It isn't a topic they're fond of, as you might imagine. Ragadahn in particular has a history of disemboweling those who mention his brother's name in his hearing. And his hearing extends to almost every corner of this world. Thus the precautions before we started this conversation."