Adalmar has seemed particularly grim since entering Kront, tension growing in his jaw and shoulders.

Yix leaps from rooftop to rooftop like a miniature velociraptor. The small homes huddle about the much larger common hall like children clinging to their mother. The village really seems quite small.

There is no question that the two story hall is likely the most defensible building. It is also obviously the only occupied one right now, as the rest of the party members do their best to barricade the doors and windows on the first floor.

Yix half-leaps/half-flies to one of the two chimneys (each located at opposite ends of the hall). This is the highest point in the entire village, and Yix sadly watches the buildings swallowed one by one by darkness as the sun sets. Finally, the last rays disappear over the western horizon. Yix scans 360 degrees, seeing no movement in any direction before he flits back into the second story of the hall.


The first floor has no windows, the heavy stone serving as a foundation for the upper floor. There is, however, a large oak double door that serves as the main entrance to the hall. The door shows no signs of forced entry, and there are no signs of struggle within the hall. It appears as though the hall was not occupied at the time that Kront was assaulted. The door is easily bolted and barricaded from the inside using benches and empy barrels.

The second floor is really more of a large balcony that runs around the entire perimeter of the hall. The center is open to the first floor. Two staircases rise from the first floor to the upper level, one to the right and one to the left of the double doors. Small windows are spaced evenly around all four walls, twelve in total.

No one is happy about spending the night here, including the horses and other mounts, who stamp restlessly on the first floor. Although some are tempted to take their chances on the road, the party as a whole is simply too injured and tired to risk a night out in the open.

Adalmar quickly lights a fire in one of the two large fireplaces on the first floor, warming one end of the hall. Several of you gather by the hearth, staring blankly into the flames, wondering what happened to the inhabitants of Kront, and hoping that the night will pass uneventfully.