Sayuri stepped out onto the field after the first play. "That was a mess... I didn't even realize we were starting until a bit after you had begun. This time, however, I will be ready. Henry appears to be leading the offense. Does the defense have a leader?"

Spoiler: OOC
Sorry about the brief period of inactivity. I can't post as easily right now as I am on vacation with limited internet. And when I return to work I will be posting mostly only at night, plus one or two times during the day.

Spoiler: Questions about Metaball.
Is there a limit to the number of allied insects I can bring onto the field? And is it acceptable to damage the field? And is it acceptable to paralyze the players temporarily with carefully cultivated neurotoxins? What about just injuries in general? Can I have them get bitten by bullet ants? Or Bull ants? Can the defenders attack the offense only when that player is in possession of the ball? Can the offense attack the defense?