Quote Originally Posted by Olinser View Post
The problem is that with the new tissue paper towers Kog very rarely GETS to late game because he loses lane so badly against everybody and towers just get absolutely destroyed. Previously you could at least farm under turrets in a weak lane. Now towers just die in a couple waves.

Right now Kog's highest win rate matchup is against Twitch - and that's still only a 46% win rate. Kog is just so weak in a fight before 2+ items, and his R is now almost totally useless for harass. So he can't fight any other ADC 1v1, and he can't land any appreciable harass on them without emptying his mana pool. AP Kog is just as bad. In fact, I think in the entire history of the game I think this is the first time that 2 totally different builds of the same champion have been the worst and 2nd worst win rates in the game at champion.gg. Even Urgot never locked down both bottom slots that I saw.

Kog's rework has to be the worst thought out rework EVER put in place on a champion.
Poorly executed =/= poorly thought out.