Quote Originally Posted by Erk View Post
Gobwin Knob is clearly not good, I don't think anyone has really claimed it is. I don't know if torturing a military prisoner in a medieval society can really be called evil though. It is just too darned commonplace. I'm not arguing moral relativity here, but that morals change over time. In war and in older times, torture was simply not seen as evil or wrong. Now, that doesn't mean Stanley is a paragon of virtue, but that alone is not really enough reason to call him and the gobwins the darkest of the dark.
I don't think torture during warfare is necessarily evil even in modern times, provided the torture is for the purpose of obtaining information that will keep your troops/civilians alive. It may be horrific, but wars are not won by the faint of heart and you have to do what is necessary to protect the lives you are entrusted with. However, torturing someone just for kicks, that is evil. If Wanda is a torturer because she has to be, I can understand it even if I don't like it. If she tortures people for fun, I am going to have to start seriously disliking her.......