
Vrishma stretches for a moment, and then sits down. He looks up, then shrugs non-commitantly. Many times old Aki told me the spirits give their favors as they please, she did, and we can little understand their desires - sometimes they give strength to the weak, indeed, other times weaken the strong. Yet bear no malice to those who seem less worthy, Chion. Without darkness, you can not tell what is light. Who knows, in time they may yet exceed in virtue, they may. If you worry about fame, I pray, do not. For today, well enough we have done, we have. A monster that preyed on the unwary in life and in death, we have slain. Rest and freedom to its captives, we have given. Is that not the stuff of legends? We have proven our might to the spirits, so we have, and they will reward us as they see fit. Who knows, perhaps our guide has a tongue as quick as his feet, he winks, and bares his teeth in a wide grin. His eyes close momentarily as he sighs in content, before scratching his head and looking around.

Miss Masumi, did you appease the boar when you killed it?