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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: El Goonish Shive III - Totally Adorkable!

    Quote Originally Posted by Grey_Wolf_c View Post
    Tell that to pre-1800 people. Fun fact: the second most common cause of death for females up to then was death by fire (first being, of course, child birth). A woman was far more likely to die while cooking than anything else short of sepsis. The ability to cook in two minutes, with no danger? Magic.

    But we are going in circles, because I honestly do not see a difference between your two statements of dislike, just hair splitting. You want to think Elliot an idiot because he finds the manual inscrutable? Well, then you think me an idiot as well, because I too would not bother to read the manual if all it gives me is a costume change.

    1: You are making an awful lot of assumptions about what I said.

    Let me repeat: The differences between the two statements are the difference between "I hate this person" and "I find this one specific habit annoying" nowhere did I call him an idiot, I called this one specific habit idiotic. Nowhere did I call him an idiot, nowhere did I call you sn idiot, and nowhere did I say I hate most people. You are putting words in my mouth.

    2: You're also assuming that all it is a change of costume. For all we know, this is a completely different form with different powers. For all we know, Elliot might have a variation of his super hero spell that lets him breath acid and shoot lightning out of his toes.

    Regardless, the way magic works is the more you use it, the stronger you get and the more spells you have. I would imagine that most people would at least check for new spells every so often, which is still reading the spell books.

    3: I imagine that someone from the pre-1800s, if given a microwave and told what it does, what want to know everything about how it works, the same way I imagine most people would want to know everything about their magic powers.
    Last edited by Rater202; 2015-12-12 at 10:38 PM.
    I also answer to Bookmark and Shadow Claw.

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    Spoiler: Ode To Meteors, By zimmerwald
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmerwald1915 View Post
    You are a meteor
    Falling star
    You soar your
    Way down the air
    To the floor
    Where my other