Quote Originally Posted by Forum Explorer View Post
Of the computer? I don't think my last computer actually came with one. Just a pamphlet of how to charge it properly.
Unix comes with man pages. Mac and Windows have "help" menus. Not sure what the various flavours of Linux come with, not having seen any in years, but I'm guessing they have them as well.

Quote Originally Posted by Cavelcade View Post
With the possible exception of Sarah's ? spell, if arguments here are anything to go by.
A VR copy of the world, with limited range and god mode unlocked? Not so different from a sandbox game - say, GTA. Computers can definitely handle such things, although the magic does have the edge on the quickness it generates the VR and how often it can refresh it, of course (and that it comes at no cost. It seems you can learn to fly IRL for $5000, and many hours of training. Elliot got it for free, instantly, and without even having to RTFM).