Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
Personal ability and intellect versus smart delegation and management.

A Twilight cuts red tape by looking at the legal system in full and cutting what needs to be cut. He finds laws that are outdated or redundant and rewrites them to smooth the legal process. He takes 1500 volumes of law and brings it down to 50, and makes them easy for the common man to interpret. He makes use of his other knowledge to keep the laws beneficial to those they affect, or at least as unobtrusive as possible.

An Eclipse puts the right people in the right places. She weeds out the corrupt and the lazy, makes sure that every department that needs to speak to each other is doing so and ensures that every legal avenue runs as efficiently as possible. She knows who to call for every job and how to keep them motivated. She makes sure that oaths by law are followed to the letter, and keeps many favors curried and ready to be called upon.

In either case you have someone who has taken a broken and corrupt legal system and made it run buttery smooth. However, they don't do so in the same way, since (i assume) the Eclipse and Twilight threw some of their dots into other abilities.


Now I kinda want to make these two a married couple and have them both run the same empire. They'd be unstoppable.
This started off as musing on the nature of Recette as a Solar. On the one hand, she's not very bright but has great people skills. On the other, she was very skilled at crafting stuff before being thrust into the role as shopkeep, and identifies every bit of loot that she brings back, and knows how to combine them into more and better loot to sell.