Quote Originally Posted by Aedilred View Post
The queen's tent was abustle with slaves and servants, as well as not a few officers and adjutants, rushing hither and thither, in and out of the tent, carrying messages both to and from the inhabitants, and returning from errands with pails of water, boxes of unspecified contents, or other such paraphernalia. As the Avonleans arrived outside the tent, there was a sudden outburst of people, including a man they might have recognised as the prince regent, who stopped briefly to give them a polite nod. As soon as they were known, they were shown inside, where the queen was, this time, at least seated and (for a Nend) respectably enough dressed, despite the people rushing about around her.

"We are honoured to receive you," she said, with a nod, as they introduced themselves. "We are so pleased that Avonlea can be present to witness our triumph in the spirit of friendship."
"It is an honour to be present for the celebration of your great victory, M'Lady, and wish upon you ever more victories." Helia and Enyrre curtsied prettily, Enyrre offering the Queen a wineskin as Helia continued speaking.

"This is Mistwater Wine, a post potent vintage from our vineyards in Evemoor. We must warn you however, those who are most in touch with their spiritual selves are said to have visions whilst under it's spell. If you are not so inclined, you will find it merely sweet and fruity. Personally, I have never experienced these ill effects, other than a headache the next day."
A mischievous grin flicked across her small, pink lips,

"Lastly we have for you this gift made by our finest craftsmen in Bellarion."
She gestured to Chere who had stuck her nose back in her book, the preoccupied woman was started from her studies and hurried to conceal the book in a fold of her robes, and brought out a small carved wooden box from a different fold and stepped forward with it, opening the lid for Aiman's inspection. Nestled inside the fragrant cedar box, was a fine silver chain with a pendant that hung from the end of it fashioned as a sun and set with yellow and orange gems that flickered in the sunlight that streamed down at them from the large opening in the top of the Queen's tent.

"Along with these gifts and her regard, High Queen Thalia sends her regrets that she could not make it, having pressing, personal matters to attend to."
Helia said discreetly, wondering just how much of their court goings on Reza relayed to his Queen. It was quite possible Aiman already knew of Thalia's pregnancy and the whispers of her court.