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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Re: Darths and Droids V: Thread IV Was Eaten By Dogs

    I had a roommate at college who did volunteer work at a prison. She said she had to fill out forms pretty much relieving the prison and anyone remotely connected with it of responsibility if she got harmed or killed, which she found a little disturbing.

    Understand, she was the sort of person who would probably be at the top of your list to play Little Mary Sunshine, so I can just imagine how anyone would react if she told them about her time in prison.

    On the change of humor: I think the prequel trilogy is a lot easier to mock. After all, Lucas was the one who first summoned bigger fish. The comic just lampshaded it.
    Last edited by Ellen; 2015-12-31 at 10:51 PM.