~Yeah, I gotta agree with Nightbird. We've taken out two of them so far, and there are two left. Even if we don't use him to fight directly, we should be able to handle it. And if all he does is add a bit of pressure and absorb a punch or two before he drops, well, that's still an advantage for us.~ Whatever feelings of mercy the twins may have had for the Advocate had pretty much vanished when they had seen what he had done to that poor man. They might not have been willing to send him on a guaranteed suicide mission, but they absolutely did not mind compelling him to risk his life if it aided their cause. Ethics were a luxury for when their family and the hope for their planet wasn't on the line. ~Besides, I'm not sure it'd be a good idea for him to be throwing those disease-powers around, mind-control or no.~

~In any case, we can hash it out on the move, yeah?~