Eries Yelloweyes smiles meekly. "Thank you for your kindness. For this, I have come to give you the information I promised you. Fortune has it that several sewer tunnels empty into the Jeggare River below the Wall of Eodred. The night a black-sailed ship was sunk before reaching the harbor, several of my brethren were watching. They saw nothing on the ship except for a yellow light, but once it sank, strange debris drifted from its hull. Tracking down some of the flotsam, they discovered a few small boxes filled with dead rats and a few pouches of silver coins conveniently bound to floating timbers. Suspecting that something was wrong with the rats, and scenting some foulness upon the coins, my people kicked the debris back into the river. I do not know much more than this, but I don't believe that the ship’s sinking, the strange flotsam, and the advent of the plague are mere coincidence.

"If you wish to learn more about the sunken vessel, I can point out exactly where in the river it sank. I also knows an alchemist’s shop with a hidden tunnel in the basement, which my people often pilfer for medicine and supplies. If you wish, I can have my children fetch you each potions of water breathing for half the normal price ... 375 gp."