Quote Originally Posted by HammeredWharf View Post
What genre does The Witcher belong to?

It has dragons and elves and other typical fantasy stuff, and is often light-hearted, so it's fantasy.
It deals with dark themes like racism, torture and the consequences of war, so it's dark fantasy.
It has scary monsters, and repulsive descriptions of limbs getting chewed off and the MC turning into spongy monstrosity, so it's horror.

The bottom line is that it doesn't matter. Genre is just a tag people use to help describe what a story is like.
The Witcher is almost assuredly dark fantasy. It has a very distinct dark tone, Geralt is usually in it for himself. Even if he does end up saving people its for profit, or his own ends. There's a reason Geralt is known as the Butcher of Blaviken.