Of course no one recognizes me. I've put on a few pounds since my apprenticeship, the helmet shades my face, and this armor is hardly the standard issue from the Abadaran guard. Besides, propriety required a certain social distance in business. A show of familiarity would be inappropriate for the workers. But I'm a customer now, so I may be as familiar as I wish! Mitch tries to explain away the narrator's vaguely troubling description of the situation.

Still, he follows the voice's lead by striding up to the guard-woman and introducing himself. "Ah, Novitiate Chalmers. Excuse me, it must be a Fourteenth Degree Apprentice by now. It is I, Journeyman Vanilla. Could you point me to a Vaultkeeper? I fear there's something that..."

"He is hearing voices, Madam." Master Lock cuts in. "We will, of course, pay to have this unacceptable situation remedied with all haste."

"It is A voice, singular, sir. It is important to be precise in these matters. Even a small detail could be of great importance, or a small delay. So could you please point me to the most senior Vaultkeeper available? Is it still 'Keeper Erickson? I'd quite like to know what is going and and how to remedy the..." Mitch continues, trying to hide his annoyance.

"Memory issues, as well, but our resources are finite. We should focus on the ongoing problem before concerning ourselves with the past." Lock continues, steamrolling his subordinate.

"Most wise, sir. Ah, one more thing...a bit embarrassing, but would you mind telling me the date?" Mitch finishes.