[Ward 4]
[Kato Tower]

Duncan blinked as everything was suddenly all fixed. Pretty clearly a wish. But....

'Someone still rigged bombs. In a civilian structure.'

His eyes narrowed, and a couple of street officers nearby decided that they could just forward those questions to Detective Turnbull's Miko program later, thank you very much.

'Someone tried to blow up kids. That ain't happenin' again. Me and the Old Man, we're gonna find this *******, and when we do...'

He let the thought trail off from there.

A quick query-ping from Modron to Rei told him that Satou was going to board a ship and head back to the station. Still no word from the CSIs yet.

He wanted to head back to the station.

Instead, he had Modron send a quick message to Satou saying he would meet up soon, and instead he pinged Leysa.


That was a bit crazy. We still need to track down that lead we had, if you think it's viable at all. Someone out there killed our Mayor, and quite possibly just tried to kill a bunch of kids.

That won't stand while I breath.

Let me know what's going down, please.

At least he was polite about it.