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Thread: The Waking Mountains of Meldia - IC

  1. - Top - End - #135
    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Default Re: The Waking Mountains of Meldia - IC

    It seemed like the Pokemon center trip was to be pretty uneventful. No sign of ghost princess and Arianna was a nice enough girl to not speak unless spoken to first. When she ran off to train her Muffet though, Naomi didn't have much to do. She was gonna train her freshly healed Mankey for sure but she wanted to see if she could do anything else before going back to her usual routine. Matt seemed to never shut up so Naomi figured she'd try things his way and get some info out of people. They were gonna go try and catch some rock types before trying the flying gym right? Guess Naomi could ask around to see if anyone knew where she could find an Onix or Geodude around here.

    If nothing comes from trying to get the information from talking, Naomi could try to fiddle with that new Pokedex she got to see if it has any info in it.

    Spoiler: Stuff

    Keeping up the Brutal Training on Sue.
    Experience Training for 5xp.

    Charm roll to get info on rock types:(1d6)[3]
    Intimidation roll for the same info if that works:(4d6+1)[10]
    Technology Education roll to fiddle with the Pokedex:(2d6)[9]
    Last edited by SiegeTower; 2016-01-24 at 01:27 AM.