Been listening to Abbath's first solo album. I don't really know what I was expecting, but it's actually really really good. Like, better than recent Immortal. Awesome.

Quote Originally Posted by grimbold View Post
Also - I'm pretty sure new Amon Amarth was confirmed? One of my writers just interviewed them about the story behind their new record...

As per Eight Bells - I'm seeing them three, maybe four times on their upcoming tour with Voivod only because they are thoroughly covering my part of the East Coast. I'm dying of happiness
Yeah, look like it's been confirmed. Hope it's good; the last album of theirs I really enjoyed was Surtr Rising. Most recent one was a bit meh.

Awesome. Oh, and also, damn you

Quote Originally Posted by Comrade View Post
For what it's worth, I found something that sort of fits it-- Liege Lord. Try it out, you might enjoy it.
Oh hey, that's pretty good.