Spoiler: A Series of Unfortunate Events
The game is Dark Heresy. The characters involved are a Hive world Scum and a Voidborn Psyker (mine). The Psyker has been captured by pirates, and held prisoner for ransom. The Scum concocts a scheme in which he could join the pirate crew, earn their trust and then get the Psyker free.

He joins the crew easily enough, and within about five minutes of joining the crew, manages to annoy the Captain. Captain, being an understanding sort and considering this is the guy's first day, has him lashed. Scum's player tells the GM, that he'll endure the lashes stoically to show the pirate crew that he's a tough guy and can handle it. GM tells him to roll a toughness test.

....He rolls a 100 (Dark Heresy equivalent of a 1), and spends the lashing, screaming in a high pitched tone at the top of his lungs for the entire duration. The pirates at this point officially rename the Scum "Sally".

Humiliated but still determined, he overhears a group of pirates talking about how they're planning on going down to the ship's brig and beating up the Psyker to let off some steam. "Sally" asks to join in on the fun, figuring he can use this to learn ways to bust my Psyker out. He tags along, runs into my Psyker in the cells, and, being the new guy, the pirates let him take the first crack at my Psyker.

My Psyker, not knowing what's going on, but wanting to help the Scum build rep with the crew, doesn't resist as the Scum takes a full charging swing at my Psyker, completely overloading the Scum with bonuses.....

And the Scum misses. More than misses, he actually injures his hand, hitting the wall behind my Psyker. So he takes another swing. And misses again. Then takes a third swing-- again, on a completely compliant target... and misses a THIRD time. Absolutely disgusted with the Scum's performance, my Psyker throws a quick headbutt, trying to piss him off, thinking the Scum's trying not to hurt him because they're comrades.

I roll a hit and then maximum damage on the headbutt, basically flooring the Scum. The Scum gets up, takes a FOURTH swing on, again, an unresisting target, and misses AGAIN. At this point, the pirates are laughing themselves to death, the Scum gets furious at his humiliation and pulls a gun on them.

...About five minutes later, the Scum's sitting in a cell next to an incredibly annoyed Psyker who cannot believe that THIS was their rescue attempt.