Quote Originally Posted by hamishspence View Post
For another example - there's those used by the X-wings against the Oscillator in The Force Awakens. Fairly small explosions. And issues like "they need to avoid endangering civilians" don't really apply when the goal involves ultimately causing the whole planet to explode - and they desperately need to do the maximum damage possible.

This is not a case where "dialing the yield down" would apply.
"Focused." The fact that they're not producing wide-area blasts comparable to a modern strategic nuclear device doesn't mean they can't possibly produce comparable energy; after all, modern shaped charges can penetrate armor that an identical amount of explosive couldn't scratch in a conventional, omnidirectional bomb and produces much less visible "boom" while doing so (barring secondary explosions from the target) for the precise reason that their energy is focused. The problem with using the thermal oscillator as an example is that we know it's armored, but we don't know what with, so we can't draw any conclusions from it. We know their torpedoes couldn't penetrate the armor, but we don't know the strength or thickness of the armor, so there's no real way to determine either because we know literally nothing about any of the relative values.
Quote Originally Posted by hamishspence View Post
Zeb & Kallus episode was today - though I'll have to wait for the Disney XD version to come out on Saturday.

Any thoughts?
It was handled poorly.
The prophecy came through without actually fulfilling the elements given in it - the child did not save the warrior or the fool (making the obvious presumption that Hondo served the role of the fool; it was never really spelled out) yet they found what they were looking for anyway through... blatantly unexplained means. I mean, I get the wise woman was a Force mystic, but that explains precisely nothing about Zeb finding a way through the star cluster simply by zapping the control panel with his staff.