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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Simple RAW thread for 3.5 #31. By now, your question has probably been answered.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lestroisrois View Post
    The main reason for asking is because of a desire to get more spells for qualifications; if that isn't possible, then I will just have to make due without other domains.
    If the spells you want are abjuration, divination, or necromancy spells from the Wizard list, you can add them to your class spell list with the Divine Magician alternative class feature from Complete Mage, if that helps.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lestroisrois View Post

    If you lose the Trickery Domain and you do not have Bluff, Disguise, and Hide as class skills in any other class, what happens? Do you retain them as class skills? If not, what happens if you had those skills maxed, etc.?
    The skills would no longer be class skills for you. There is no provision in the rules to cover what happens to any existing skill ranks you might have had in them, so you and your DM will have to figure that out, but regardless of whether you keep existing ranks, you certainly won't be able to take new ranks above the cross-class maximum.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flame of Anor View Post
    Q 256

    How can my wizard temporarily become an outsider? The [good] subtype would be nice to have as well; I want to cast a spell with a "Celestial" spell component. I've considered using polymorph any object or putting ranks into Use Magic Device and getting a few scrolls of lesser holy transformation; is there an easier way?
    The simplest way would be to take two levels of Celestial Mystic or Troubadour of Stars, either of which allows you to cast spells with a celestial component. I'm not sure if they qualify as easier. It depends on exactly what you're trying to do, I suppose.

    You could also permanently become an outsider (good) with the application of a template like Saint or Mulhorandi Divine Minion, but that's probably difficult.
    Last edited by Troacctid; 2016-02-05 at 02:27 AM.