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Thread: [Worm-verse RP] Grand Super Villians IC

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Worm-verse RP] Grand Super Villians IC

    The eyes are everywhere.

    Anna isn't sure how long she can resist the scream perching at the base of her throat. As the medication begins to wear off, the iron-cast pain of her seventh eye as it threatens to open. Her own vision isn't compromised, as she comes to with a blurry start. Guards, fluoresent lights, batons. Still in prison then. But why is everything rumbling?

    It takes her nearly a minute to put everything together. The transfer - the Number Man had told her she'd be moved to a special facility. He hadn't said anything when she brought up her mutations, only to 'count herself lucky' it wasn't worse. The guards are giving the red and black pupils with unease, and Anna can't exactly blame them. They're hideous. Ever since the first one emerged yesterday, it's all she can do not to scratch and claw at her own skin until they disappear entirely.

    Of course, she know she won't do that. Her power would have informed her if she planned on doing any harm to herself.

    The world of blood seeps into the cracks of her skull as Anna's consciousness settles into being. Something is coming, and very soon. It's already begun, in fact. Her power fills in the gaps between her present and the harsh, brutish future of the world. There will be violence on this road: severe injury, and maybe even death. It's still hard to differentiate the degrees. But Anna has the utmost confidence that before too long, she'll be able to make the most of her power.

    And then I can finally get what I want.
    Last edited by 3SecondCultist; 2016-02-12 at 02:57 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeno Desaqqara View Post
    You divine bastard.

    "Life is to be lived, not controlled; and humanity is won by continuing to play in the face of certain defeat."