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Thread: [Worm-verse RP] Grand Super Villians IC

  1. - Top - End - #12
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Default Re: [Worm-verse RP] Grand Super Villians IC

    HIs eyes narrowed as he saw Miasma go down. Heard the gunshots. Not standard police fire. Glock? Possibly. John quickly grabbed the radio he had planted next to him. Exhilarate had the other one. He ducked down, speaking as quietly as he could "Be advised, more hostiles exiting the van. At least one is armed with a shotgun but it'd be safe to assume they all are. Miasma is down. Autarch is hurt. Possibly immobile. Whatever did it was using bullets that are not standard issue for police. I'll cover you. There is also a possible third party at play. Will radio when I know more." He immediately holstered his Magnum, exchanging it for pistol he'd just finished two days ago. It was grey in colour, the light that emanated from it was a dark purple. Patterned on Exhilarate's healing, the gun would over heal someone to a crippling degree, even if they weren't injured. Shoot a man in the leg and suddenly he'd have five extra tibias all growing out at odd angles. It was a good thing this one was chambered for forty four millimetres as well. It'd have to be to get through their SWAT-grade kevlar. Better than using rubber bullets.

    Calibre assumed the same position as he had before.

    As the men exited the vehicle, John picked his shots carefully, aiming for their joints and centre mass. Not out a sense of concern. Concern had left when they seemed to be more mercenaries than police. Police wouldn't blow the door to a vehicle open like that. No. It was out of a sense of pragmatism. Kevlar was usually stretched thinnest around joints.

    This wasn't a movie. No fancy head shots. Disrupt their coherency. Scatter them. Pick them off one by one after that. Numbers were the only thing that had over this group. Numbers and a sense of unity. Both would change shortly.
    Last edited by n0ble; 2016-02-14 at 01:25 PM.